Who is Kareem Ali?

TOP Doctor on YouTube


That’s on 20.04.2021, probably more when you are reading this.





Dr Kareem’s goals:

Raise awareness
Sharing experiences
Improve life of the many
Use all possible means

About Dr Kareem Ali

Dr. Kareem Ali is the TOP doctor on YouTube! With about 10k new subscribers on a DAILY basis, he is set to conquer the whole YouTube in a matter of a few years. We, his team, have set ourselves a goal to conquer the whole of YouTube by 2025. Do you think you can help us reach that goal sooner? Get in touch!  We welcome partnerships.

Meet Dr. Kareem Ali

  • Dr. Kareem is an Egyptian doctor
  • He graduated from Al-Azhar University in 2001
  • He received his Ph.D. in clinical toxicology in 2013
  • He has undertaken numerous therapeutic nutrition studies
  • He received his Master of Family Medicine from the University of Oradea, Romania
  • He is the founder of Fekr Tany Channel on YouTube (Arabic)
  • Founder of Dr. Kareem Ali Channel on YouTube (Arabic)
  • Founder of the New Thought Channel on YouTube (English subtitles)
  • Author of the FEKRTANY ENCYCLOPAEDIA, of which 4 volumes have been published by 04.03.2021

What is Dr Kareem Ali’s Message?

New Thought: A Call for understanding

Dr Kareem Ali’s Message:

Dr. Kareem Ali’s message is to call for an understanding that any change in begins first in the mind, and secondly by changing negative habits to better habits.

Today, followers and fans of Dr Kareem Ali on social media are more than 2 MILLIONS, (1.5 Million on Fekr Tani’s YouTube Channel, Stand 02.12.2019)

Dr Kareem wishes to help each and everyone of his fans to achieve the change they seek by sharing with them the necessary information to achieve those goals through changing their lives, physical and mental health and improving their financial situation.

Hence, the thought of Dr. Kareem and the message of his channels on YouTube are that society today desperately needs a New Thought that puts to rest the old worn, received ideas, and build a modern thought, a true thought, based on science and knowledge, in what leads to a different way of thinking for those who want to change their lives to the best.

Dr. Kareem promises his followers that he will try everything he can to get them the information necessary to change their lives health, mentally and financially, and in a way that is accessible to all people, and in ways that are easy to implement on the ground, now and here.

Dr. Kareem,

the human,

the husband &

the father

Despite his hard-to-count preoccupations, Dr. Kareem is a loving family member who sees little time for everyone.

Dr. Kareem devotes his time to his wife and their beautiful daughters Jessica and little beloved Farida, and tries as much as possible to spend time with them.

Despite his many concerns, Dr. Kareem forces himself to take an annual holiday to spend quality time with his family.

Whenever Dr. Ali is informed of a new achievement, his natural response is “those are answered prayers of my dear tender Mum”.

Dr. Kareem Ali has an outstanding relationship with his parents in Egypt, his family, and he is in constant contact with them and the wider family back home.

What’s truly behind the “New Thought”?

Dr Kareem Ali has created Fekr Tany’s YouTube channels for the following reasons:

  • To encourage people to take effective steps to change their health and financial standing for the better in the future
  • I am convinced that young people are the hope for real change in all Arab societies and that is why I decided to share with them my hard-earned experience over the years.
  • I am convinced that a better life is possible if we do all we can.

How Did The “New Thought” Start?

In his words, Dr. Kareem Ali says:

“I started thinking of creating a YouTube channel when I faced a lot of difficulties and problems in my life, and I had to restart from scratch more than once. I took it upon me to share my experience. Through a Facebook page, I worked hard for 3 years to to awaken the youth so as to avoid making many mistakes and negative experiences.

After Facebook, I started with two YouTube playlists, Mind and Health.

New Thought – Self Development: Trying to get people to think from different perspectives, I shared my experience with people, and ten things that I wished I knew earlier so as not to fail – see the video entitled “11 Points to Save You Years”, I give in that a summary of the obstacles that I have faced in my life, failure and feelings, and all this for free, seeking the Agreement of God Almighty. I offer my experiences and conclusions to those who are willing to listen.

New Thought : Health and Ideal Body: Medicine is my specialty, what I understand and work with. I read scientific published papers in the medical field, and accordingly decided to share some thoughts and readings about medicine. I found a strong response from people to medicine, way more than to videos on human development. I hence then focussed more on making videos about medicine. When I started sharing new medical information, I found people interacting and wondering about the source of this information. Even some declared that information was not true. Indeed, “Man is an enemy of ignorance”. This passage appears at the front of the Fekr Tany channel on YouTube, so that everyone who enters the channel will listen to it, inshaaAllah.